In the actual computer science world there are many text file formats, and we need often convert one format to another. Usually it means simply replace some strings by the others. Of course some text editors provide this possibility with “find and replace” command. But with this command it is almost impossible for a complicate multi-replace conversion.
What Is It?
PowerReplace is a powerful text conversion utility. It does the conversion using a small file called “Filter”. The syntax of filter is very easy to understand.
PowerReplace is also an utility to build text conversion application. It can create small stand-alone daughter-application called “SelfReplace”, who makes your favorite conversion more easily and efficiently.
PowerReplace can replace character (including NULL, CR, LF, TAB) or string by any other string. By use of the asterisk-sign(*) representing any indeterminate string, it can replace also a string only whose two extremities are known. It supports all character set, hexadecimal string and regular expression(pattern) for find/replace.
Who Will Use It?
All people who need to do some text conversion: Non programmer as well as programmer.
How to Use It? A Simple Example
To replace "à" by "à" and "é" by "é", follow these steps:
(1) Launch PowerReplace application.
(2) Write the following lines in the window "Untitled":
"à" "à"
"é" "é"
(3) Click Convert File (or press E).
That’s all. For complete information on this topic, see User’s Guide Chapter 4 - Tutorial.
- High conversion speed and easy to use.
- Easy to create new filter file.
- Can copy resource and keep the same type-creator. This seems to me very important. For example I often use this option for convert TeX 8 bits file with pictures to TeX 7 bits file. In these files, pictures are stocked in the resource 'PICT'.
- Easy to change filter file that will be remember in the preference file.
- Can override old text file, or save output file with extension name.
- Apple technology Support: Drag/Drop, Balloon Help, AppleScript.
- and more…
Documentation & Help
- Launch PowerReplace application, from the Help menu, select PowerReplace User’s Guide… or Show Balloons.
• Add Filter List window to manager filters. Filter Menu is obsoleted. PowerReplace remembers filter by alias instead of its name, so you can put filter everywhere as you like. You can drag your favorite filters into the Filter List window.
• Better text editor: auto-scrolling and scrolling using the Home, End, PageUp or PageDown keyboard navigation keys, desactive selected text using frame rect.
• Better progress bar.
• Fixed a minor bug in the replace engine, more error message in regular expression.